Donate now
Your donation gives underprivileged people access to safe drinking water and thus to better health and more quality of life. Donations are not used to cover marketing or project administration in Switzerland; they are channelled in full directly to the projects.
With CHF 100 you help provide
1 day of training for vendors of drinking water filters
With CHF 200 you help provide
1 day of workshops on safe drinking water and hygiene for a whole village
With CHF 500 you help provide
1 month of safe drinking water for 600 children
If you have any questions, you can contact us here.
Donations to the Solaqua Foundation are tax-deductible in accordance with cantonal provisions. You will receive a written donation certificate for your tax return in January of the following year.
Safe drinking water
The Solaqua Foundation promotes the quality – and not just quantity – of drinking water.
Bank account
IBAN CH8508765102836939000
CB 8765
CCP 90-134-4